
updates semi-frequently
coined by aquariclione


soporine is originally a gender quality (like masculine and feminine) based on sleepiness (or lack thereof), dreams, drowsyness, sleep, and aesthetics/themes surrounding theseit is now an umbrella term and can be combined with many genders, qualities, alignments, etc. (e.g soporsculine, soporkenic, soporvir, prisoporine, soporgirl)soporine comes from the word sopor


  • soporine: a quality or umbrella term related to sleep and dreams

  • demisoporine: being partially soporine

  • soporic: soporine-aligned

  • SPIN: soporine in nature

  • ine, rine, and orine: suffixes for soporine/SPIN genders

  • hypnosian: a soporine alignment in the celestial system

  • somnic/chamlic: soporine-loving-soporine

  • dormian: soporine equivalent to lesbian, veldian, cenelian, etc.

  • aldersopor: an aldernic term that is influenced by soporinity

  • soporvesil: a vesil term for when most or all aspects of ones identity is influenced by soporinity to some degree

related terms

  • soporiasexual: "a sexuality where people only feel sexual attraction while sleeping, in dreams or daydreams. It could also be used to describe a sexuality that is in some way tied to or affected by sleeping, tiredness, or dreams."

flags and symbols

various soporine and soporine-related flags and symbols

original soporine flag

redesigned soporine flag



aldersopor and soporvesil

soporine gender symbols

misc flags

soporine enby